2021 What’s Working in ABM?
The popularity and successes of account-based marketing (ABM) are unmatched. Demand Gen Report research revealed that 98% of marketers are currently using or plan to use ABM strategies, with 73% of respondents who use ABM indicating it greatly exceeded their organization's expectations. Given the strength of this powerhouse strategy, it's important to reflect on what's working — and what's not. With ABM's transition to experience-based strategies in mind, this report will guide readers through the ins and outs of the ABM/ABX marriage, with specific topics of discussion covering: The use of ABM to supplement in-person interactions; Leveraging data to understand customers' wants and needs in advance and digging into those insights to identify what they're really looking for; Why organizations must remain internally and technologically aligned; and The creation of ABM campaigns that stand out from the competition.