Business tips

Techniques to Enhance a Company’s Capital

Techniques to Enhance a Company’s Capital

Michael Finnigan
Sep 09, 2019
Working capital refers to the money in your company’s account, which is used for its everyday operations. It’s essential to keep these proceedings working smoothly which means managing capital well. This in turn, helps keep your business in check and helps avoid bankruptcy. The Calculation of Working Capital In simple words, the working capital formula […]
How to Effectively Manage your Business Risks

How to Effectively Manage your Business Risks

Michael Finnigan
Sep 02, 2019
Stepping into business is in itself a huge risk. It can easily involve waves of changes and uncertainty at every step. However, managing your risk well could spell the difference between success and failure.
The Real Meaning of Work-Life Balance for SMB Owners

The Real Meaning of Work-Life Balance for SMB Owners

Michael Finnigan
Aug 19, 2019
For several people, starting a business is a long-held passion. Many think about it pretty all the time they work on a job and eventually, start using ways to give wings to their dreams. This is especially the case when it comes to a 9–5-type job, which typically gets more mundane with each passing day. In a recent survey, several of those who have become owners of small and medium-sized businesses have revealed the reason why they left their jobs.
Seven Interesting Startup Ideas That Require Smaller Investments

Seven Interesting Startup Ideas That Require Smaller Investments

Michael Finnigan
Jul 08, 2019
Startups have never really lacked relevance, but in the present day, they are on everyone’s minds, along with new and innovative ideas that seem to be a dime a dozen. Following are some creative ideas to think on and use in this area.
How to Build a Referral Network for a Small Business

How to Build a Referral Network for a Small Business

Michael Finnigan
Jun 17, 2019
A referral network bands together individuals or companies which offer referrals, primarily, through word-of-mouth. Basically, a business referral alludes to the process of informing someone the positive features of a business. For instance, explaining to another business or person why collaborating with this particular one would be a lucrative proposition for them to consider. Of […]
The Question of Brand Rebranding and Refreshing

The Question of Brand Rebranding and Refreshing

Michael Finnigan
May 27, 2019
Brand identity is a huge thing when it comes to running a company. As time progresses, it becomes more and more essential to evolve with current trends, innovations, tastes, and popular demands with respect to customers. The changes in the marketplace must also reflect on your brand. Under that, there is always a question of whether you should rebrand or refresh your brand.
Workaholic Behavior and Its Adverse Effects on Your Startup

Workaholic Behavior and Its Adverse Effects on Your Startup

Michael Finnigan
May 20, 2019
Certain factors such as physical well-being, creativity, and productivity are very essential to maintaining a successful business. Being a workaholic could cause an imbalance among these factors, and affect your entrepreneurial qualities badly, affecting subsequently your business.
Two Phrases That Could Ruin a Business

Two Phrases That Could Ruin a Business

Michael Finnigan
May 13, 2019
Setting up a successful business is generally a hard and time-consuming task. Human error by itself can mess up a lot of things, and a lack of sound technological backing can mean your company is digging a deeper hole for you with each day that it operates.