How Poor Communication affects Businesses

Michael Finnigan
Jun 28, 2021

Communication does not only involve written instructions or verbal operational commands. In reality, communication helps to build reliable and trustworthy relationships. It is essential for many aspects of your life. Similarly, keeping an efficient and proactive communication channel between your management and its employees can lead your business to success.

Meeting goals, delivering optimal work quality, maintaining clientele, and discussing the future of a business all get affected due to distrust and low morale. It happens when communication hits rock bottom. Here are the most significant and potentially detrimental effects of poor communication on your business.

Potential Effects of Poor Communication on Your Business

Ambiguities (Lack of Tunnel Vision)

One of the first signs of poor communication in a business involves the lack of clear vision and understanding of the company’s goals. In many organizations, employees and other staff are unaware of clear instructions and their individual corporate responsibilities. Thus, misunderstanding duties can become a nuisance and keep employees from performing their jobs effectively.

A Decline in Service and Work Quality

Without proper instructions and acknowledging that every employee needs to perform, there is a substantial impact on the level of service and work quality. Communication ensures what kind of services employees need to deliver. On top of that, it becomes easy for employees to identify their mistakes with corrective or positive feedback through effective communication.

Safety and Health Hazards

In an environment where there is a lack of communication, there is no trust and reliability. Hence, in the case of a profit-maximizing firm, it means substantial financial as well as industrial losses. When it comes to hazardous working environments, it is essential to layout multiple channels of effective communication.

 Without clear instructions and helpful guidelines, employees can suffer injuries, and it can take time to report them to the upper management.

An Unhealthy Work Culture

The lack of communication, distrust, and unreliability give birth to unfriendly and highly disrespectful work culture. There may not be any appreciation, record of employee performance, way to get in touch with senior management, etc.

Therefore, an unhealthy work environment and culture can breed demoralization and de-motivation.

Absenteeism (High Labor Turnover)

With de-motivated employees, lack of trust, low morale, no clear duties, and distortion in the work quality, the employee turnover rate is always high. Unsatisfied employees and higher absenteeism can become the cause of a company’s downfall in a relatively short span of time.

Employees consider leaving a non-trustworthy organization a better option than working 9 to 5 with minimum or even high wage but no communication.

Lack of Shareholder Trust

With declining performance, a business loses its standing in its respective markets. Also, as the employee turnover rises more rapidly than the revenue, shareholders lose their confidence in the business. Furthermore, with a lack of shareholder trust and declining business performance, chances of future growth reduce.

Decline in Profits

Conclusively, when you look at all the complications, hardships, and disruptions due to poor or no communication channels in a business, it only leads to failure. Without proper communication, neither the senior management nor the working groups are aware of the business’s performance. Hence, a collective profit declines with the reduction in work quality.


So, communication is just as significant as the capital and investments in a business. It is only with proper communication that every individual in a business realizes their responsibilities, duties, objectives, and where they stand with the objectives of the business.
