
Tips For Communicating In Your Company During A Turbulent Period

Michael Finnigan
Jun 11, 2020
Periods of quick change will test an individual’s capability to adjust and react to a given situation. This is when the communication capability of a leader will be the factor that decides if a business will fail or succeed

How to Manage Change in Your Team

Michael Finnigan
Sep 23, 2019
It’s can be both inspiring and exciting to implement change in your team. You should take multiple factors into consideration and make sure it’s never done forcefully. Any organization that is serious about its growth undergoes periods of change.

The Question of Brand Rebranding and Refreshing

Michael Finnigan
May 27, 2019
Brand identity is a huge thing when it comes to running a company. As time progresses, it becomes more and more essential to evolve with current trends, innovations, tastes, and popular demands with respect to customers. The changes in the marketplace must also reflect on your brand. Under that, there is always a question of whether you should rebrand or refresh your brand.

Two Phrases That Could Ruin a Business

Michael Finnigan
May 13, 2019
Setting up a successful business is generally a hard and time-consuming task. Human error by itself can mess up a lot of things, and a lack of sound technological backing can mean your company is digging a deeper hole for you with each day that it operates.