
Building the Perfect Data-Driven Marketing Strategy

Michael Finnigan
Sep 16, 2021
Marketing strategies are the core of marketing success. With the right data-driven strategies that incorporate the right elements, a business can thrive and increase sales.

Things To Know When Making Changes To Sales Compensation Plans

Michael Finnigan
Dec 17, 2020
Are you a leader who thinks about changing your company’s compensation plan for every single sales representative? If yes, we would recommend having an actual purpose in place at the heart of the plan. It is important to design it to incentivize salespeople to work like how your company leadership wants, to support the enterprise’s objectives. To incentivize them in an effective way, it is a must to understand the notion of motivation. The term ‘motivative’ means to urge someone to perform something.

Selecting the Best Strategy for Your Business

Michael Finnigan
Nov 25, 2019
The term ‘business strategy’ refers to a plan of measures to be taken to accomplish business goals in the long run. Having the right strategy in place will make it easy to measure the direction in which your business is going.