Money Isn’t Everything: Ways to Improve Employee Productivity

Michael Finnigan
Apr 04, 2022

Are you trying to keep your workforce dedicated? If you’re following the same “money” theory as other businesses to boost motivation, you must understand that employees require other incentives too. Offering financial perks and benefits isn’t always beneficial for a company or its workforce. Plus, it doesn’t always result in noticeable changes in the workforce’s behavior, especially their productivity.

When talking about employee productivity, always keep a few things at the top of your mind. For example, caring for your employees and showing your loyalty in various ways can potentially improve productivity. Let’s find out how you can motivate your employees and improve their productivity aside from using money as a motivating factor in your approaches.

Ways to Improve Employee Productivity
Improving employee productivity doesn’t always begin with offering financial incentives. Of course, learning about financial perks such as pay raises, company cars, and health/insurance benefits can motivate employees. However, if nearly all employees have those resources covered, what else can motivate them to work harder, efficiently, and with more dedication? Here’re a few approaches that you can take:

Create a Diverse and Caring Work Culture
Do you know that burnout is one of the biggest issues that modern workplace individuals face nowadays? Working non-stop hours and then not getting enough appreciation is the major cause behind the loss of motivation, morale, and confidence in employees. Furthermore, when employees are burning themselves out in an organization without much appreciation from their superiors, it tends to take a toll on their physical and mental health.

In turn, that can drive down the overall performance of the business. The HR department must pay close attention to the self-care of employees. By instilling the idea of self-care in all your employees, you can ensure chances of a spike in productivity. You can also offer stress management and training facilities to help your employees cool down.

Offer Ongoing Employee Development Programs
To improve employee productivity, you must help them gain new skills and harness maximum potential out of their existing skills. It’s not just an onboarding period that provides the required support and perks to facilitate the development of employees. You can ensure the provision of constant training and development programs for employees. Again, this must be at the free will of employees and as a suggestion for those you see experiencing a slump in their productivity to raise their morale and motivation.

Promote Employees within the Organization (Demonstrate Loyalty)
It’s not easy to make employees perform faster, better, and more efficiently. However, you can increase the chances of seeing employee productivity spikes at your organization by showing your loyalty to them. Employees are the blood vessels and nerves of an organization. You can start by offering internal promotions to your employees, such as expanding the responsibility criteria and offering pay raises as per the changes. Seeing appreciation and initiative from upper management tends to increase employee productivity by a huge margin.


Do you think that the abovementioned approaches can help you improve employee productivity within your organization? You must explore each and every avenue if money isn’t motivating enough for your employees. A motivated workforce is like the pulse of an organization. If the pulse goes down (i.e., motivation), the organization will get sick (i.e., experience a downfall in productivity).
