
Is Virtual Training Effective?

Is Virtual Training Effective?

Michael Finnigan
Mar 25, 2021
In this time of crisis, virtual training is becoming the norm. However, many people are still confused about the effectiveness of virtual training. Many experts are saying that the effectiveness of virtual training depends on various factors. One of the major aspects of virtual training is preplanning, which is very essential for conducting very effective virtual training for your team. According to experts, there are four major components that determine the effectiveness of a virtual training session. Let’s take a look at which those are.
How To Improve As A Leader During In A Crisis

How To Improve As A Leader During In A Crisis

Michael Finnigan
Mar 08, 2021
Anyhow, this situation is more than just a chance to show how capable you are to deal with difficulty. Challenging situations possibly aid you in actively making your skills as a leader better. Are you unsure of your leadership abilities? Or, do you just wish to be better at this for your organization? Either way, you should think about the following to improve your present strengths and address any flaws you have as a leader.
Why Workplace Diversity Causes You To Be An Improved Leader

Why Workplace Diversity Causes You To Be An Improved Leader

Michael Finnigan
Jan 11, 2021
A place of work becomes diverse when it has individuals from many different backgrounds and cultures. This results in an approach characterized by innovation, as well as new ideas. Businesses that accept diversity are thought to have higher levels of employee engagement, increased revenues, and lower staff turnover.
Things To Know When Making Changes To Sales Compensation Plans

Things To Know When Making Changes To Sales Compensation Plans

Michael Finnigan
Dec 17, 2020
Are you a leader who thinks about changing your company’s compensation plan for every single sales representative? If yes, we would recommend having an actual purpose in place at the heart of the plan. It is important to design it to incentivize salespeople to work like how your company leadership wants, to support the enterprise’s objectives. To incentivize them in an effective way, it is a must to understand the notion of motivation. The term ‘motivative’ means to urge someone to perform something.
The Core Characteristics for Being a Great Leader

The Core Characteristics for Being a Great Leader

Michael Finnigan
Mar 30, 2020
It is normal to desire to become the best leader in your company. Most people in leadership roles not only try to perform their jobs adequately but also go a step further to set an example for their subordinates.
How a Leader Can Appreciate Those Working Under Them

How a Leader Can Appreciate Those Working Under Them

Michael Finnigan
Feb 10, 2020
Most people feel underappreciated for their work, as implied in a survey conducted by analytics and advisory company Gallup. They tend to complain about their considerable effort at work not being valued properly.
Do you Have an Effective Manager’s Mentality?

Do you Have an Effective Manager’s Mentality?

Michael Finnigan
Jul 29, 2019
An effective manager can lead a team that consists of people with a diverse set of talents, and move them towards a common goal. In business, these aims change often, which is why keeping employees motivated till the end is so vital. People have their own motives for working, and their personal goals do not always align with the shareholders aim for double-digit growth to please their investors.