Is Virtual Training Effective?

Michael Finnigan
Mar 25, 2021

In this time of crisis, virtual training is becoming the norm. However, many people are still confused about the effectiveness of virtual training. Many experts are saying that the effectiveness of virtual training depends on various factors. One of the major aspects of virtual training is preplanning, which is very essential for conducting very effective virtual training for your team.

According to experts, there are four major components that determine the effectiveness of a virtual training session. Let’s take a look at which those are.

Using A Reliable Virtual Technology

Due to this pandemic, a large portion of the employees are working from their homes. Therefore, it is the responsibility of employers to invest in stable and reliable virtual platforms. Most companies around the world are now using virtual platforms like join me, Microsoft Teams, WebEx, Zoom, etc. When selecting a virtual platform, you need to consider which one works best for your team.

When you look for a virtual platform, consider the size of the group. Some virtual platforms may not work well for larger groups. Also, check whether your session requires a live demonstration. It is very important to choose a virtual platform that has multiple ways of access. Most importantly the virtual platform that you choose should have tools that allow the participants to answer questions, send messages, and interact with all other attendees.

Make Use Of Skilled Professional Trainers

In order for a virtual training session to be more effective, the speaker should have high energy and skills. The effectiveness of the whole session depends on how the trainer is performing. Since the attendees are in an environment that is very distracting, it is very important to hire a very professional and skilled keynote speaker who can grab their attention easily.

When you hire a skilled keynote speaker, they will be able to grab and have your team’s undivided attention while continuously engaging them into the conversation. In simple words, the speaker should be able to facilitate the experience of the attendees and turn the session to the right path.

However, most employers make the mistake of hiring keynote speakers who are only experienced in speaking in front of a live audience. Only a few speakers or trainers have the experience of engaging with a remote audience. Therefore, you need to hire a professional speaker who knows how to engage with a virtual audience to ensure effective and successful virtual training.

Have A Co-Facilitator

Having a host or co-facilitator offers a lot of benefits but the most important benefit is the support that the speaker gets during the training session. Most of the time, the speaker may miss some of the questions from the attendees in real-time. This is because they are so involved in delivering the material.

If you have a co-facilitator or host, they can collect the questions which the speaker may have missed. This will allow the speaker to address all the questions in a timely manner. This will significantly improve the engagement and effectiveness of the virtual training session.

Pre-Session Activities

It is very important to build interest and enthusiasm for the virtual event, and the best way to do that is by getting in touch with the participants a few times before the training. There are some pre-session activities that you can try that are found to be very effective in making the virtual training session a success.

Preprogram Video Promotions

Most companies send out a preprogram video prior to the training session to make the attendees excited about the session. The video will have an overview of the topics that will be covered during the session and how they will provide a positive impact on their personal and professional lives.

Online Assessments

Online assessment for the people who are going to attend the virtual training session can also bring a great deal of success. It will provide an insight into the environment of the organization.


One of the best ways to understand the organization’s needs is by conducting surveys and polling questions. This allows the organizers to personalize the virtual training session and increase its effectiveness.

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