
Usage Of Mobile Application Is Drastically Increasing During Pandemic

Michael Finnigan
Apr 29, 2021
Usage of mobile applications is increasing during the pandemic. Read the article to understand the reasons for this sudden increase.

Ways Of Making Staff Members Continue To Learn At Work

Michael Finnigan
Jan 14, 2021
Companies could not achieve their business objectives if they lack a dedicated and qualified labor force. With new technologies arising, it has become more and more useful to have on-the-job (OJT) training programs in enhancing workers’ practical skills and soft skills. Anyhow, there is more to learning when at work than formal training. Enterprises have to be creative to make workers keep honing their expertise.

Technology As A Way To Connect With Your Digital Customer Base

Michael Finnigan
Dec 21, 2020
The pandemic has forced small to mid-sized business owners to step out of their comfort zones and experiment with innovative ideas. Companies made revolutionary changes to the ways they engage with customers and have started looking for ideas to support their staff during the economic crisis that resulted from the pandemic.

This Is How B2C Companies Should Operate For The Rest Of 2020

Michael Finnigan
Aug 20, 2020
B2C companies have to implement the smartest business strategies throughout the rest of 2020. Here is how B2C companies have to conduct business for the rest of this year taking in consideration the state of the economy and the challenges it puts forward.

How Millennials Are Redefining the Office Space

Michael Finnigan
Dec 05, 2019
The growth and innovations in the technology field have allowed or encouraged people to think in a personalized and minimalistic way. Hence, the modern generation that has taken over the business world is now using the technology to redefine the way the workplace was pictured traditionally.

Why IT Infrastructure Is Significant For Your Business Growth

Michael Finnigan
Nov 18, 2019
The IT infrastructure is an indispensable necessity in order for your business to run successfully, especially in this digital age. Still, many business owners tend to overlook this factor. Otherwise, they may simply leave the task in the hands of their IT department or network managers.

Why Startups Must Include a Reliable HR Team

Michael Finnigan
Nov 04, 2019
Nowadays, the number of business enterprises that are up-and-coming is phenomenally high. Sadly, most people launch their startups without understanding the need of employing a credible human resources team. This is because of the common misconception that employing an HR team is an expensive option.